Responding to the Signs of the One Greater than Jonah and Solomon, 16th Monday (I), July 19, 2021

Fr. Roger J. Landry
Visitation Mission of the Sisters of Life, Manhattan
Monday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year I
July 19, 2021
Ex 14:5-18, Ex 15, Mt 12:38-42


To listen to an audio recording of today’s homily, please click below: 


The following points were attempted in the homily: 

  • Today the Scribes and the Pharisees — those who as we saw a few days ago had begun to conspire to plot Jesus’ death, those who had said in the previous scene that he did exorcisms by the power of the devil — come up and hypocritically call him “Teacher” and ask him for a sign. A sign is a miracle that points to something else: in this case Jesus’ authority to preach and do what he was saying and doing. But we know that Jesus by this point had been working miracles practically non-stop: he had just cured a man with a withered hand and had expelled demons, he had cured everyone who had been brought to him, he had multiplied bread and fish to feed a multitude, he had healed lepers, made lame people walk and so much more as signs pointing to the fact that he was speaking and working with the authority of God. But the Scribes and Pharisees didn’t want to accept what those miracles signified. So they kept asking for other ones. Perhaps they were waiting until a supposed miracle attempt failed so that they would be able to feel justified in their rejection of Jesus. What they failed to grasp, however, was that Jesus himself was the sign of God; he was the one pointing to God’s presence because he was the sign and signified all at the same time. Jesus cut to the core of why they were asking for such a miracle, saying that an “evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign.” If they were of a good and faithful generation, they would have already taken seriously all of the miracles and words that Jesus had already done and grasped that he himself was the sign for which the Jews should have been looking. The reason why they failed to grasp the meaning of the sign of Jesus and all the other signs he was doing that pointed toward him was because they were obstinate in what we could call their “religious idolatry,” in their worship not of God but of the religion they had made around the God of Israel, all their man-made precepts and interpretations that were leading them to seek to break the fifth and eighth commandments to murder Jesus. No matter how many signs Jesus worked, no matter how many times he spoke with authority, no matter how many times called them to conversion, they refused to budge.
  • Obstinacy is perverse adherence to an idea despite all arguments and signs to the contrary and we see one of the most infamous examples of obstinacy in today’s first reading — with which the Scribes and Pharisees were super familiar and from which they should have learned. Pharaoh and the Egyptians were so obstinate in their treating the Jews as their slaves that, despite Pharaoh’s finally giving the Israelites permission to leave to go to worship God in the desert, when the Egyptians saw them leaving, they gave up mourning their first born sons, and came in pursuit. None of the plagues God had worked convinced them to change course. And when God opened the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to pass through on dry ground, not even that miracle could convince the Egyptians that God was giving a clear sign that he was on their side and was helping them to flee. “So obstinate had the Lord made Pharaoh that he pursued the children of Israel even while they were marching away in triumph” and they were so obstinate that they foolishly pursued the Israelites into the Red Sea, where, as we will see tomorrow, they all perished. Nothing could persuade them to stop, review their behavior, and possibly change course. This is the same type of hardness of heart that we see in the Scribes and the Pharisees. Not even Jesus’ resurrection would be enough to convince them that all signs were pointing to his divinity, to the truth of everything he was saying. Some would even try to bribe the guards to lie and say that while they were asleep Jesus’ followers came to steal his body.
  • As believers, at times, we have to confront this obstinacy in our own hearts, this refusal to accept what God has done and what it means. We see in today’s first reading that the Jews similarly had missed the point of all God had done. “Were there no burial places in Egypt that you had to bring us out here to die in the desert?,” they asked. God had worked ten great miracles for them and yet they failed to have confidence in him. Even after he parted the Red Sea for them and brought them to the other side — the greatest of all his signs in the Old Testament — they would similarly complain that God had abandoned them or just brought the to the desert to die. Sometimes, we, too, can be faithless and perverse. The way we should respond to God’s signs, on the other hand, is two-fold:
  • First, to ponder on all God did with gratitude, not asking him for “more,” but allowing what he’s already done to fill us with faith and gratitude. This is one way by which we can become a “holy and faithful generation.” This morning in Lauds we had Psalm 113, which gives God thanks for all that he has already done as signs of his love in the present. I often love to pray Psalm 136, which is a litany of gratitude to God for his enduring mercy shown in the various signs in salvation history. The Magnificat is similarly an interweaving of praise for all that the Almighty God does for us in our lowliness, how he repeatedly has shown the “might of his arm,” so that we might never begin to believe that he is weak.
  • The second way we’re supposed to respond to God’s signs is to rest in what is the greatest sign of all, Jesus himself. He is the living sign of God’s saving presence. And he calls us to do something in response to him: to repent and to believe fully. The two examples he chose to share with those challenging him demonstrate the summons to conversion and faith. The first one is Jonah, who not only is a sign of the Resurrection, but a great example of conversion, who then was able credibly to preach conversion. We know that Jonah initially refused God’s call. He got on a boat heading in the opposite direction of Nineveh, from Joppa to Tarshish on the Iberian Peninsula, which was the western end of the then-known world. That’s when he was thrown overboard and experienced the miracle of being saved. Afterward, having learned the lesson, he went to preach conversion and God blessed his efforts. He could incarnate what conversion was. And even though at the beginning he didn’t respond faithfully to what the Lord was asking, he did at the end. Jesus was able to use him as a sign for his interlocutors: that just as conversion was possible for Jonah, it, too, was possible for them. In terms of preaching conversion, Jesus, as the Messiah, was giving an even greater summons. If at the message of Jonah, the Ninevites all repented, from the king down to the pets, who all fasted in sackcloth and ashes, Jesus was saying that he was a greater sign of conversion. If the pagans of Nineveh had changed their ways at the preaching of Jonah on the first day, then the supposedly religious Jews of his day should have much more readily changed when they heard Jesus preaching “Repent and believe in the Gospel” and working all the signs to back up his message.
  • Likewise in the reference to Solomon we see a sign of the wisdom Jesus bears and is , which should lead us to conform our life to Him. Jesus says that the Queen of Sheba had traveled a great distance with many caravans in her retinue in order to hear Solomon’s wisdom. She had in fact traveled 1660 miles or, at a pace of 15 miles a day, over three months each way. Jesus’ wisdom, however, God’s teaching about how to live, die and live forever, was greater than Solomon’s — and Jesus was saying that the Scribes and Pharisees weren’t willing to travel any intellectual or moral distance at all. They weren’t willing to respond with faith.
  • To take Jesus’ signs seriously, we must respond with conversion and with faith in his words and ways. Every day we have a chance during the Mass. This is where we hear the wisdom of the greater than Solomon. This is where the fulfillment of the Sign of Jonah calls us to convert and conform our entire life to him. Just as Jonah spent three days in the belly of a sea creature in the ocean — and the ocean was a sign of death — before being spit out onto the shore “risen from the dead,” so Jesus would spend three days in the belly of the tomb before likewise being spit out risen. That is the great sign Jesus himself would give, his own resurrection. We enter that sign, and what it signifies, every Mass. I’ve always been moved that in Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, right over the altar where the Popes celebrate Mass (now on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord each year and in the Mass the day after their election), Michelangelo has depicted Jonah. Christ is the fulfillment of the Sign of Jonah and at Mass we enter into his Passion, death and resurrection. And at the end of Mass he spits us out to the world, to be through, with and in him, new Jonahs, new Solomons, living and preaching the conversion and wisdom with which Jesus has enriched us.


The readings for today’s Mass were: 

Reading 1 Ex 14:5-18

When it was reported to the king of Egypt
that the people had fled,
Pharaoh and his servants changed their minds about them.
They exclaimed, “What have we done!
Why, we have released Israel from our service!”
So Pharaoh made his chariots ready and mustered his soldiersB
six hundred first-class chariots
and all the other chariots of Egypt, with warriors on them all.
So obstinate had the LORD made Pharaoh
that he pursued the children of Israel
even while they were marching away in triumph.
The Egyptians, then, pursued them;
Pharaoh’s whole army, his horses, chariots and charioteers,
caught up with them as they lay encamped by the sea,
at Pi-hahiroth, in front of Baal-zephon.
Pharaoh was already near when the children of Israel looked up
and saw that the Egyptians were on the march in pursuit of them.
In great fright they cried out to the LORD.
And they complained to Moses,
“Were there no burial places in Egypt
that you had to bring us out here to die in the desert?
Why did you do this to us?
Why did you bring us out of Egypt?
Did we not tell you this in Egypt, when we said,
‘Leave us alone. Let us serve the Egyptians’?
Far better for us to be the slaves of the Egyptians
than to die in the desert.”
But Moses answered the people,
“Fear not! Stand your ground,
and you will see the victory the LORD will win for you today.
These Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again.
The LORD himself will fight for you; you have only to keep still.”
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me?
Tell the children of Israel to go forward.
And you, lift up your staff and, with hand outstretched over the sea,
split the sea in two,
that the children of Israel may pass through it on dry land.
But I will make the Egyptians so obstinate
that they will go in after them.
Then I will receive glory through Pharaoh and all his army,
his chariots and charioteers.
The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD,
when I receive glory through Pharaoh
and his chariots and charioteers.”

Responsorial Psalm Exodus 15:1bc-2, 3-4, 5-6

R. (1b) Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
I will sing to the LORD, for he is gloriously triumphant;
horse and chariot he has cast into the sea.
My strength and my courage is the LORD,
and he has been my savior.
He is my God, I praise him;
the God of my father, I extol him.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
The LORD is a warrior,
LORD is his name!
Pharaoh’s chariots and army he hurled into the sea;
the elite of his officers were submerged in the Red Sea.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
The flood waters covered them,
they sank into the depths like a stone.
Your right hand, O LORD, magnificent in power,
your right hand, O LORD, has shattered the enemy.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.

Alleluia Ps 95:8

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
If today you hear his voice,
harden not your hearts.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mt 12:38-42

Some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Jesus,
“Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.”
He said to them in reply,
“An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign,
but no sign will be given it
except the sign of Jonah the prophet.
Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights,
so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth
three days and three nights.
At the judgment, the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation
and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah;
and there is something greater than Jonah here.
At the judgment the queen of the south will arise with this generation
and condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth
to hear the wisdom of Solomon;
and there is something greater than Solomon here.”