Faith-filled Gratitude for the Gift of the Lord: A Parish Eucharistic Revival, St. Margaret of Scotland Parish, Selden, NY, November 18, 2023

Fr. Roger J. Landry
St. Margaret of Scotland Parish, Selden, New York
Parish Day of Recollection:
“Faith-filled Gratitude for the Gift of the Lord: A Parish Eucharistic Revival”
November 18, 2023


To listen to the first conference, entitled, “Growing In, and Expressing, Our Gratitude for the Eucharistic Jesus,” please click below: 



To listen to the second conference, entitled, “Letting Our Gratitude Overflow in Love of Others,” please click below: 



To listen to the homily on the Parable of the Talents for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), entitled, “Entrusting the Trust and Gifts of the Master,” please click below: 


