Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), Conversations with Consequences Podcast, November 6, 2021

Fr. Roger J. Landry
Conversations with Consequences Podcast
Homily for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), Vigil
November 6, 2021


To listen to an audio recording of this short Sunday homily, please click below: 


The following text guided the homily: 

  • This is Fr. Roger Landry and it’s a privilege for me to be with you as we enter into the consequential conversation the Risen Lord Jesus wants to have with each of us this Sunday. Last week, you remember, Jesus told us clearly what the first and greatest commandment is, the most important thing we have to do in life: to love God with all our mind, heart, soul and strength. Love, as we know, is more than merely words and feelings, but is shown in deeds. Love is choosing to act for the good of another, sacrificing oneself for sake of someone or something else. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus presents us with a standard to help us to determine, in our concrete circumstances, whether we are really trying to love God with all we are and have.
  • After Jesus had finished his “formal” teaching in the courtyard of the Temple of Jerusalem, he began to “people watch,” in order to instruct his apostles about how to put what he was teaching into action. They saw the stream of people depositing money in the temple treasury, which was a large tuba-shaped receptacle leading to a secure money box. People would put their coins in the horn at the top, which was like a funnel, and then the sound of the coins would resonate as they rolled down the metal tubing into the box. Many rich people, St. Mark tells us, were putting in large sums and “making a lot of noise” on the treasury tuba. But then a poor widow came and put in two lepta, two small coins that together were worth about a penny and likely barely made a sound. Jesus gave a surprising lesson that the disciples obviously never forgot. Jesus praised the poor widow rather than all the rest, saying that she had contributed more than all of them, for they, he said, “gave out of their surplus, but she gave everything she had, all she had to live on.” This widow, because of her poverty, could easily have been excused for giving nothing. She could have justly chosen to drop into the tuba only one of the lepta and kept the other for herself. But she didn’t. She gave it all. And her generosity was praised by Jesus and will remain famous until the end of time.
  • What could have moved her to give to the Temple even what she needed to survive? There’s only one reason: her deep faith. She believed not simply that God exists, or that he worked various miracles in the past to help her people. She believed so much in him and was so convinced of the importance of what was going on in God’s house that she wanted to dedicate her life and all her goods to continuing and expanding it. She accounted the continuance and expansion of that saving work as worth more than even her own life.
  • The truth is that the stronger our faith, the more we are willing to trust in God and the more we are willing to sacrifice. The more we love God with all our mind, heart, soul and strength, the more we will give of ourselves and what we have to the advance of his work. The first apostles, moved by faith in Christ, left fishing businesses and lucrative tax collection seats to follow Christ, even though they would have, like Jesus, no bread, no money, no bags, no change of clothes, and no place to lay their head (Lk 9:3; 9:58). The early Christians, as we read in the Acts of the Apostles, used to sell their property and lay the proceeds at the feet of the apostles in order to share with those in most need and advance the proclamation of the Gospel (Acts 4:34-35). But we don’t go back two thousand years to Palestine to come up with such examples. We can think about the building of so many parishes in the United States, like three of those where I was assigned in Massachusetts, where poor immigrants offered to God not only sizeable portions of their paltry paychecks, but also so much of their elbow grease, coming before and after work to assist the hired masons, engineers and architects in order to save money so that more of what they raised could be spent constructing to God’s glory a Church far more beautiful. The Church in the United States was not built by “rich people” putting in “large sums,” but by poor immigrants forsaking savings and going without vacations in order together to build something worthier of God, something that expressed their faith, something that made concrete that they loved him more than they loved even themselves.
  • It’s important that we have a consequential conversation with the Lord about how we use the money and resources of which he has made us stewards. Like with the widow in the Gospel, Jesus wants to be able to praise each and all of us for our generosity. This is not just an economic issue on the basis of which parishes, schools and other Church institutions will be maintained, survive and thrive, but far more importantly a moral issue, since, as economists tell us, how we spend our money is a sign of what we value. The great Protestant Biblical commentator William Barclay commented on this Gospel scene, “Real generosity gives until it hurts. For many of us, it is a real question if our giving to God’s work is any sacrifice at all. Few people will do without their pleasures to give a little more to the work of God. It may well be a sign of the decadence of the Church and the failure of our Christianity that gifts have to be coaxed out of church people, and that often they will not give at all unless they get something back in the way of entertainment or of goods. There can be few of us who read this story [of the poor widow] without shame.”Today’s Gospel teaches us that it’s not so much the size of the contribution that matters, but the sacrifice that the gift entails.
  • With a little trepidation, I’d like to get into some numbers, because it is an important topic not only to the faith of individual Catholics but to the survival of Catholic institutions. Pre-Covid, the average Catholic adult in the United States gives 0.7% of his or her annual income to the Church — less than one percent, which equals about $122.59 a year, or $2.36 a week. The average Catholic household (all the members in a home combined) gives 1.4% to the Church. This is one-third to one-half of what Protestants give to their churches. And Catholics in the northeastern United States — where I’ve served and where there is in general more education and a higher-standard of living — are by far the least generous of all Catholics in our country, giving about one-third less than our brothers and sisters do in every other part of the nation, including areas where most of the Mass-goers are recent immigrants working under the table or near minimum wage. It’s simply a fact that the majority of adult Catholics give less to the Church than what it costs for a coffee at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks, less than they pay for a subscription to the daily newspaper, and way less than they pay each month for cable. The point I’m trying to make is that is that the relatively small value and priority that many Catholics, by their economic choices, give to the mission of the Church is one of the principle reasons why the Church in the United States is suffering, even in areas in which Church institutions can easily pay their bills and care for the needy.
  • The reason is, as Jesus tells us elsewhere in the Gospel, because “the measure with which we measure will be measured back to us” (Lk 6:38). In other words, if we give generously, we will receive generously; if we give sparingly, we will receive sparingly (see 2 Cor 9:6). This is not because God withholds his graces from the stingy, but because the human heart is a two-way street. If a person’s heart is open and generous, then it is capable of receiving from God the blessings God wishes to give. If it is tight and miserly, on the other hand, then very little of God’s grace will be able to penetrate it. We cannot serve both God and mammon and if we are even partially trying to serve mammon, that part of us will atrophy in its receptivity to God. We see this encapsulated in the episode of the rich young man in the Gospel (see Mt 19:16-30; Mk 10:17-31). He came to Christ and asked him the most important question anyone can ask, how to inherit eternal life. The Lord told him to keep the commandments and then listed them. But the rich young man replied that he had kept all of these since he youth, yet realized that he was still missing something in order to be happy. The Lord looked on him with love and said that if he wished to be perfectly happy, he should go, sell all that he has, give the proceeds to the poor, and then come follow him. At that the rich young man’s face tell to the ground and he walked away sad. Faced with a choice between Jesus and his money, between true happiness and transient wealth, the rich young man chose his money, and went away sad because money can never buy happiness. In the same way, if we wish to receive the fullness of the graces Christ wants to give us in this life and in the next, then we, unlike the rich young man, need to detach ourselves from our possessions, from our money, and devote them to the sake of the kingdom. We see this in the lives of so many young people who enter the priesthood and religious life working for very little pay or none at all because they are working ultimately for God. We see it in so many Catholics families who, despite all of their bills, sacrifice their time, gifts and material blessings to build up the kingdom of the One who gave them everything. We see it in those Catholics, rich or poor, who sacrifice to extraordinary degrees to build up the Church and to care for the poor. On the other hand, if we like the Rich Young Man continue to want to hold on to our money and stuff, then it is likely we will walk away from Jesus sad, too, for it is only in giving that we receive.
  • In this illustration of the importance of generosity, Jesus, like in all his lessons, never merely said, “Do what I say,” but always, “Follow me!” Today’s encounter with the poor widow is sandwiched between last week’s instruction on loving God with all our mind, heart, soul and strength, and next week’s prophecy about the last days. Immediately afterward, St. Mark moves to the Passover, the Last Supper, and Jesus’ crucifixion and death. In other words, this teaching about generosity is enveloped between Christ’s teaching about total self-giving love and his own putting those words into practice on Calvary. In Jesus’ calling us to give not just what is extra but what is essential, not just what is “left over” but what is right, he’s merely telling us to love as he has loved us, all the way, holding nothing back. He gave his life in exchange for ours, valuing us more than he valued himself. As he comes this Sunday to strengthen us to “do this in memory” of him, we ask him to make us as generous as he is, to open our hearts fully to the gift of his grace, to help us to love him with all our mind, heart, soul, strength and possessions, so that we — and many others we might be able to help encounter him through our generosity — might experience his happiness in this world and forever with him in the next.


The Gospel on which the homily was based was: 

In the course of his teaching Jesus said to the crowds,
“Beware of the scribes, who like to go around in long robes
and accept greetings in the marketplaces,
seats of honor in synagogues,
and places of honor at banquets.
They devour the houses of widows and, as a pretext
recite lengthy prayers.
They will receive a very severe condemnation.”

He sat down opposite the treasury
and observed how the crowd put money into the treasury.
Many rich people put in large sums.
A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents.
Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them,
“Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more
than all the other contributors to the treasury.
For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth,
but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had,
her whole livelihood.”


Jesus sat down opposite the treasury
and observed how the crowd put money into the treasury.
Many rich people put in large sums.
A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents.
Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them,
“Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more
than all the other contributors to the treasury.
For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth,
but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had,
her whole livelihood.”
