Msgr. Roger J. Landry Convent of the Missionaries of Charity, Bronx, NY Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C February 9, 2025 Is 6:1-8, Ps 138, 1 Cor 15:1-11, Lk 5:1-11 To listen to an audio recording of today’s homily, please click below: ...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Putting into the Deep The Anchor January 26, 2018 I am happy and humbled that on February 1, Pauline Books and Media will publish a new book I’ve written entitled Plan of Life: Habits to Help You Grow Closer to God...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford MA First Sunday in Advent, Year B November 27, 2011 Is 63:16-17,19; 64:2-7; 1Cor 3-9; Mk 13:33-37 To listen to an audio recording of today’s homily, please click at the bottom of the page...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-Third Sunday in OT, Year C September 9, 2007 Wis 9:13-18; Philemon 9-10,12-17; Lk 14:25-33 1) In the first reading, the Book of Wisdom queries, “For who can learn the counsel of...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Nineteenth Sunday in OT, Year C August 12, 2007 Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 12:32-48 1) Once in St. Luke’s Gospel, Jesus asked aloud the harrowing question, “When the Son of Man...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Birth of St. John the Baptist June 24, 2007 (Vigil) Jer 1:4-10; 1Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17; (Day) Is 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66 1) Today we celebrate the solemnity of the Birth of St...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C March 25, 2007 Is 43:16-21; Philippians 3:8-12; Jn 8:1-11 1) Last week, Jesus preached to us the parable of the Prodigal Son, which stressed the Father’s undying love for his wayward child, the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Third Sunday of Lent, Year C March 11, 2007 Ex 3:1-8,13-15; 1Cor 10:1-6,10-12; Lk 13:1-9 1) Lent is the time for us to realize that we are dust and unto dust we shall return. It is the time to heed Jesus’ call to “turn away from...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Second Sunday of Lent, Year C March 4, 2007 Gen 15:5-12,17-18; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Lk 9:28-36 1) Every year on the second Sunday of Lent the Church gives us two great gifts in the readings. The first is the figure of Abraham...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA First Sunday of Lent, Year C February 25, 2007 Dt 26:4-10;Rom 10:8-13;Lk 4:1-13 1) The episode in today’s Gospel is particularly special, because the only way the evangelists would...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C February 18, 2007 1Sam 26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23; 1Cor 15:45-59; Lk 6:27-38 1) Today Jesus continues the very clear and challenging homily he began...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C February 11, 2007 Jer 17:5-8; 1Cor 15:12,16-20;Lk 6:17,20-26 1) There is a huge contrast in today’s readings. In the first reading, the prophet...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C February 4, 2007 Is 6:1-8; 1Cor 15:1-11; Lk 5:1-11 1) At the beginning of the third Christian millennium, Pope John Paul II wrote a beautiful...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C January 28, 2007 Jer 1:4-5,17-19; 1Cor 12:31-13:13; Lk 4:21-30 1) Today we mark the beginning of Catholic Schools Week and we focus in a...
The Certainty of the Teachings We Have Received, Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (C), January 21, 2007
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C January 21, 2007 Neh 8:2-4,5-6,8-10; 1Cor 12:12-30; Lk 1:1-4;4:14-21 1) In the passage we have just heard, St. Luke tells us very clearly why the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C January 14, 2007 Is 62:1-5; 1Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 1) Last week we celebrated the epiphany or manifestation of the Lord to all the nations...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Epiphany, Year C January 7, 2007 Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3,5-6; Mt 2:1-12 1) Today we celebrate the Lord’s Epiphany, the “manifestation” of his light, glory and presence to all the nations...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Holy Family, Year C December 31, 2006 1 Sam 2:20-22,24-28; 1 John 3:1-2,21-24; Lk 2:41-52 1) We celebrate today the Feast of the Holy Family of Mary, Joseph and the child Jesus. We...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 4th Sunday of Advent, C December 24, 2006 Mic 5:1-4; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45 1) Each your, on the fourth Sunday of Advent, the Church has us focus on the Blessed Virgin Mary. The...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 3rd Sunday of Advent, C December 17, 2006 Zeph 3:14-18; Philippians 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18 1) “What then should we do?” This was the question that was asked by the crowd in today’s Gospel...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 2nd Sunday of Advent, C December 10, 2006 Bar 5:1-9; Phil 1:4-6,8-11; Lk 3:1-6 1) On the second Sunday of Advent each year, the Church leads us on pilgrimage to the Jordan River, so...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 1st Sunday of Advent, C December 3, 2006 Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25; 1Thes 3:12-4:2; Lk 21:25-28,34-36 1) Happy New Year! I say it again: Happy New Year! Sometimes Catholics find it a little...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Christ the King, Year B November 26, 2006 Dn 7:13-14; Rev1:5-8; Jn 18:33-37 1) Today we celebrate the culmination of the Church’s whole liturgical year. During the past 51 weeks, we...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 33rd Sunday of OT, Year B November 19, 2006 Dan 12:1-3; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 1) It is very common for the passages from Sacred Scripture that we have at Mass to begin, “at...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 32nd Sunday of OT, Year B November 12, 2006 1Kings 17:10-16; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 1) In last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus told us clearly what the first and greatest commandment is, the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B November 5, 2006 Deut 6:2-6; Heb 7:23-28; Mk 12:28-34 1) Building on what he revealed to the Israelites through Moses (first reading)...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 30th Sunday of OT, Year B October 29, 2006 Jer 31:7-9; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52 1) “What do you want me to do for you?” Which one of us would not want the Lord to ask us the question he...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 29th Sunday of OT, Year B October 22, 2006 Is 53:10-11; Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45 1) There is a huge contrast in today’s Gospel between two types of greatness and two types of ambition...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 28th Sunday of OT, Year B October 15, 2006 Wis 7:7-11; Heb 4:12-13; Mk 10:17-30 1) As a young king of the Lord’s people, Solomon pleased the Lord very much. One night God appeared to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church 27th Sunday of OT, Year B October 8, 2006 Gen 2:18-24; Heb 2:9-11; Mk10:2-16 1) At the beginning of time, God created the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, the oceans and the mountains, the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA 26th Sunday of OT, Year B October 1, 2006 Numbers 11:25-29; James 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43,45,47-48 1) We encounter in today’s Gospel a big contrast and a big surprise. The contrast is...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B September 17, 2006 Is 50:5-9; James 2:14-18; Mk 8:27-35 1) In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks us the same question he asked his first followers...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 23rd Sunday of OT, Year B September 10, 2006 Is 35:4-7; James 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37 1) In today’s Gospel we glimpse the awe of those who witnessed Jesus’ miracles and works live. Jesus, in...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 22nd Sunday of OT, Year B September 3, 2006 Deut 4:1-2,6-8; James 1:17-18; 21-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 1) Saint James challenges every one of us here in this Church today in the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 21st Sunday of OT, Year B August 27, 2006 Jos 24:1-2,15-18; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6:60-69 1) Today’s readings could not be possibly more dramatic — or more relevant for us. They bring us...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Saint Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA 20th Sunday in OT, Year B August 20, 2006 Prov9:1-6; Eph5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58 1) Two-thousand years ago the disciples frequently used to ask Jesus what heaven was like and Jesus would...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA 19th Sunday of OT, Year B August 13, 2006 1Kings 19:4-8; Eph 4:30-5:2; Jn 6:41-51 1) Today we enter together into the third week of Jesus’ five-week course on the mystery of his body...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Transfiguration of the Lord, Year B August 6, 2006 Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; 2Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10 1) On the sixth of August each year, the Church, both east and west, celebrates with joy the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA 17th Sunday of OT, Year B July 23, 2006 2Kings4:42-44; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 1) We have been focusing all year on the Gospel of St. Mark. If we continued in this progression, we would...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA 16th Sunday of OT, Year B July 23, 2006 Jer 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 1) The Lord says through the prophet Jeremiah in today’s first reading that the Lord will not allow bad...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA 15th Sunday of OT, Year B July 16, 2006 Am 7:12-15; Eph 1:3-14; Mk 6:7-13 1) Jesus’ love for us was so great that not only did he want to save us, but he wanted to involve us in our...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B July 9, 2006 Ezek 2:2-5; 2Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6 1) In today’s Gospel, there’s a scene that should bring those who truly love Jesus almost to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B June 25, 2006 Job 38:1,8-11; 2Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41 1) Today’s Gospel about Jesus’ calming of the winds and the seas is much more than a...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Corpus Christi, Year B June 18, 2006 Exod 24:3-8; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 1) Today we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. Our ancestors who built this beautiful parish...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Trinity Sunday, Year B June 11, 2006 Deut 4:32-34,39-40; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 1) Last week we celebrated the feast of Pentecost, when the apostles and disciples were strengthened...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Pentecost Sunday June 4, 2006 Acts 2:1-11; 1Cor12:3-7,12-13; Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:19-23; Jn 14:15-16,23-26 1) 53 days ago, the apostles were all gathered together in the Upper Room. Jesus...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year B May 28, 2006 Acts 1:15-17,20-26; 1John4:11-16; Jn 17:11-19 1) We are now within the novena between the Lord’s Ascension and Pentecost Sunday. On...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B May 21, 2006 Acts 10:25-26,34-35,44-48; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17 1) Saint Jerome, one of the great fathers of the Church, tells us that while Saint John...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2006 Acts 2:42-47; 1Pet1:3-9; Jn 20:1-9 1) We celebrated last week the most important event in the history of the world, the most crucial event in the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, Massachusetts Third Sunday of Lent, Year B March 19, 2006 Ex 20:1-17; 1Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 1) In today’s Gospel, we encounter a Jesus with whom many of us, especially today, are...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B February 12, 2006 Lev 13:1-2,44-46; 1Cor10:31-11:1; Mk 1:40-45 1) In one short sentence at the end of today’s second reading, St. Paul gives us a...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B February 4-5, 2006 Job 7:1-4,6-7; 1Cor 9:16-19,22-23; Mk 1:29-39 1) In today’s readings, we encounter a lot of suffering. In the first reading...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B January 29, 2006 Deut 18:15-20; 1Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 1) In today’s Gospel, we see that on the Sabbath day, Jesus entered the synagogue and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B January 22, 2006 Jonah 3:1-5,10; 1Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 1) God raises up prophets for every age. He raised up Jonah to convert Ninevah. He...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B January 15, 2006 1Sam 3:3-10,19; 1Cor 6:13-15,17-20; Jn 1:35-42 1) In today’s Gospel, we see the drama that happened in the life of Andrew of...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford Epiphany 2006 January 8, 2006 Is 60:1-6; Eph3:2-3,5-6; Mt2:1-12 1) We have heard the story of the Epiphany — the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles represented by the wise men — so...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God January 1, 2006 Num 6:22-27; Gal4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 1) In 1929, just 17 days short of his 9th birthday, the young Karol Wojtyla — the future Pope John...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church 3rd Sunday of Advent, B December 11, 2005 Zeph 3:14-18; Philippians 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18 1) We call this third Sunday of Advent “Gaudete Sunday” because every year on it the Church has us reflect upon...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Second Sunday in Advent, Year B December 4, 2005 Is 40:1-5, 9-11; 2 Pet 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8 1) On the second Sunday of Advent each year, the Church leads us on pilgrimage to the Jordan...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford First Sunday of Advent, Year A November 27, 2005 Is 2:1-5; Rom 13:11-14; Mt 24:37-44 1) Happy New Year’s Day! Today the Church, indeed, inaugurates a new year dedicated to our reliving in...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Christ the King, Year A November 20, 2005 Ezek 34:11-12, 15-17; 1Cor 15:20-26,28; Mt 25:31-46 1) Today the Church celebrates with great joy the Solemnity of Christ the King. It is the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A November 13, 2005 Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1Thess5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 1) Every November, the Church has us focus our attention on the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A November 6, 2006 Wis 6:12-16; 1Thess4:13-18; Mt 25:1-13 1) In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses an image that perhaps to us might seem a little...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A October 30, 2005 Mal 1:14-2:2,8-10; 1Thess2:7-9,13; Mt 23:1-12 1) In today’s Gospel, with very strong language, Jesus makes clear that we...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A October 23, 2005 Ex 22:20-26; 1Thess 1:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 1) In responding to the question of the lawyer in today’s Gospel — “what is the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A October 16, 2005 Is 45:1,4-6; 1Thess1:1-5; Mt 22:15-21 1) In today’s Gospel, two groups that were archenemies conspired to try to trap Jesus. Both the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A October 9, 2005 Is 25:6-10; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 1) In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks to us about the joy of heaven, the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Saint Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A October 2, 2005 Is 5:1-7; Philippians 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43 1) What Jesus says in today’s Gospel parable has both a very important...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Saint Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A September 25, 2005 Ezek 18:25-28; Phil 2:1-11; Mt 21:28-32 1) In last Sunday’s first reading, God said to us through the prophet Isaiah...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A September 18, 2005 Is 55:6-9; Phil 1:20-24, 27; Mt 20:1-16 1) Through the mouth of the prophet Isaiah, the Lord tells us in today’s first...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A September 11, 2005 Sir 27:30-28:7; Rom 14:7-9; Mt 18:21-35 1) If someone hurts us, we think it’s magnanimous and generous when we give...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A September 4, 2005 Ezek 33:7-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20 1) “Where two or three are gathered in my name,” Jesus says to us in today’s...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A August 28, 2005 Jer 20:7-9; Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27 1) There’s a dramatic turnaround from last week’s Gospel. As we saw seven days ago...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Saint Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A August 21, 2005 Is 22:15, 19-23; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20 1) “O how deep are the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God!” So...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A August 14, 2005 Is 56:1,6-7; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28 1) In order to grasp the meaning of today’s readings, we first need to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A August 7, 2005 1Kings 19:9,11-13; Rom 9:1-5; Mt 14:22-33 1) We learn three lessons from today’s Gospel: a. When we keep our eyes on Jesus...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A July 31, 2005 Is 55:1-3; Rom 8:35, 37-39; Mt 14:13-21 1) In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches very clearly about what he expects from us and how...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A July 17, 2005 Wis 12:13,16-19; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 1) With a hat-trick of different images in today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us three very...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford, MA Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A July 10, 2005 Is 55:10-11; Rom 8: 18-23; Mt 13:1-23 1) By the parable of the sower and the seed in today’s Gospel, Jesus describes four types...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, MA Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A July 2, 2005 Zech 9:9-10; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30 1) In coming to Mass today, you probably did not anticipate that you were about to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A June 26, 2005 2Kings 4:8-11,14-16; Rom 6:3-4,8-11; Mt 10:37-42 1) In today’s second reading, St. Paul describes the incredible reality of...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A June 19, 2005 Jer 20:10-13; Rom 5:12-15; Mt 10:26-33 1) There’s a paradox in today’s Gospel. On the one hand, Jesus tells us not to be...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A June 12, 2005 Ex 19:2-6; Rom 5:6-11; Mt 9:36-10:8 1) Today’s readings focus on two essential and related elements: ELECTION by God of group of...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A June 5, 2005 Hos 6:3-6; Rom 4:18-25; Mt 9:9-13 1) There’s an amazing encounter in today’s Gospel between God and a notorious sinner. In it...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Corpus Christi, Year A May 29, 2005 Deut 8:2-3, 14-16; 1Cor10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58 1) On this Solemnity of Corpus Christi one year ago, Pope John Paul II declared that the Church would...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Trinity Sunday, Year A May 22, 2005 Ex 34:4-6, 8-9; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18 1) Today we celebrate the feast of who God is. Every Sunday is, in a very real sense, dedicated to God and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2005 Acts 2:1-11; 1Cor12:3-7,12-13; Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:19-23; Jn 14:15-16,23-26 1) 53 days ago, the apostles were all gathered together in the Upper Room. Jesus...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year A May 8, 2005 Acts 1:12-14; 1Pet 4:13-16; Jn 17:1-11 1) After the Ascension, as we read in the first reading, the apostles all gathered around Mary and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year A May 1, 2005 Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; 1Pet 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-21 1) Ten years ago this October, our great deceased Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, addressed the United...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year A April 24, 2005 Acts 6:1-7; 1Pet2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12 1) Early this morning the eyes of the world were all fixed on St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican where the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A April 17, 2005 Acts 2:14, 36-41; 1Pet2:20-25; Jn 10:1-10 1) The Fourth Sunday of Easter each year is called Good Shepherd Sunday, because on this day the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Third Sunday of Easter, Year A April 10, 2005 Acts 2:14,22-28; 1Pet 1:17-21; Lk 24:13-35 1) Two days ago, we witnessed the largest funeral in human history. Four million people attended. Up...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Easter Sunday March 27, 2005 Acts 10:34, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9 1) Today we mark, with Christians throughout the world, the greatest day and most important event in all of history...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Palm Sunday, Year A March 20, 2005 Mt 21:1-11; Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mt 26:14-27:66 1) This Palm Sunday Liturgy is framed by two expressions. The first is “Hosanna,” which was shouted at...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year A March 13, 2005 Ezek 37:12-14; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 1) The episode of Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead is so rich that whole retreats could be preached upon...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A March 6, 2005 1Sam 16:1,6-7,10-13; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 1) In this dramatic scene from today’s Gospel, Jesus does something different than he did in other four...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Third Sunday of Lent, Year A February 27, 2005 Ex 17:3-7; Rom 5:1-2,5-8; Jn 4:5-42 1) Jesus, the Good Shepherd, promised that he would leave all of his other sheep behind and go in search of...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Second Sunday of Lent, Year A February 20, 2005 Gen 12:1-4; 2Tim1:8-10; Mt 17:1-9 1) Today the Lord takes Peter, James and John up Mt. Tabor and all of us in the Church go with them. There...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA First Sunday of Lent, Year A February 13, 2005 Gen 2:7-9, 3:1-7; Rom 5:12-19; Mt 4:1-11 1) At the end of today’s second reading, St. Paul summarizes the principle message of all three...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A January 30, 2005 Zeph 2:3,3:12-13; 1Cor1:26-31; Mt 5:1-12 1) The greatest homily Jesus ever preached was when he mounted the pulpit of the Cross and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A January 23, 2005 Is 8:23-9:3; 1Cor 1:10-13, 17; Mt 4:12-23 1) We are now within the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which occurs every year between...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A January 16, 2005 Is 49:3,5-6; 1Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34 1) There’s a truly remarkable phrase in today’s Gospel, that occurs not once but twice. Sometimes...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Baptism of the Lord, Year A January 8-9, 2005 Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Acts 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17 1) Last Sunday, we celebrated the Lord’s epiphany as light to all nations, represented by the wise...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2005 Is 60:1-6; Eph3:2-3,5-6; Mt2:1-12 1) We celebrate today the Lord’s “Epiphany,” the Greek word for his “manifestation” to all the nations. In today’s...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Holy Family, Year A December 26, 2004 Sir 3:2-6,12-14; Col 3:12-21; Mt 2:13-15,19-23 1) The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, has been losing his voice trying to get the Church and society to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year A December 19, 2004 Is 7:10-14; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24 1) The celebration of Christmas is less than a week away, and the Church, on this fourth Sunday of Advent...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Second Sunday of Advent, Year A December 5, 2004 Is 11:1-10; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12 1) On the second Sunday of Advent each year, the Church leads us on pilgrimage to the Jordan River, so that...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA First Sunday of Advent, Year A November 28, 2004 Is 2:1-5; Rom 13:11-14; Mt 24:37-44 1) Happy New Year’s Day! Today the Church, indeed, inaugurates a new year dedicated to our reliving in...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Christ the King, Year C November 21, 2004 2Sam5:1-13; Col1:12-20; Lk 23:35-43 1) This solemnity we celebrate today is the culmination of the Church’s entire liturgical year. Everything that...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Thirty-Third Sunday in OT, Year C November 14, 2004 Mal 3:19-20; 2Thes3:7-12; Lk 21:5-19 1) “Can it get any worse, Father?” That was the exasperated question posed to me by a frustrated...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Thirty-Second Sunday in OT, Year C November 7, 2004 2Macc 7:1-2,9-14; 2Thes2:16-3:5; Lk 20:27-38 1) Every November, the Church has us focus on the four last things — death, judgment, heaven...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Thirty-First Sunday in OT, Year C October 31, 2004 Wis 11:22-12:2; 2Thes 1:11-2:2; Lk 19:1-10 1) Last week Jesus presented us the parable contrasting the prayer of the Pharisee and the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Thirtieth Sunday in OT, Year C October 24, 2004 Sir 35:12-14,16-18; 2Tim4:6-8,16-18; Lk 18:9-14 1) Toward the end of his second letter to his spiritual son, Timothy (today’s second reading)...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Twenty-Ninth Sunday in OT, Year C October 17, 2004 Ex 17:8-13; 2Tim3:14-4:2; Lk 18:1-8 1) Jesus’ final words in today’s Gospel almost seem out of place. After teaching his disciples a...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Twenty-Seventh Sunday in OT, Year C October 3, 2004 Hab 1:2-3;2:2-4; 2Tim1:6-8,13-14; Lk 17:5-10 1) In the Gospel today, the apostles did not ask the Lord for money. They didn’t ask him for...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Twenty-Fifth Sunday in OT, C, Prep September 19, 2004 Amos 8:4-7; 1Tim 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 1) This Sunday’s Gospel contains what is probably the most confusing parable in any part of the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Twenty-Fourth Sunday in OT, Year C September 12, 2004 Ex 32:7-11,13-14; 1Tim1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 1) The most distinctive thing we can say about God’s love is that it is co-extensive with...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Retreat given at Sacred Heart Retreat House, Alhambra, California “Living Mary’s Mystery in Christ” September 3-5, 2004 Twenty-Third Sunday in OT, Year C Wis 9:13-18; Philemon 9-10,12-17; Lk 14:25-33 1) In the first reading, the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Twenty-Second Sunday in OT, Year C August 29, 2004 Sir 3:17-18,20,28-29; Heb 12:18-19, 22-24; Lk 14:1,7-14 1) In the parable in today’s Gospel, Jesus is doing far more than giving his...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis, MA Twenty-first Sunday in OT, Year C August 22, 2004 Is 66:18-21; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 1) Last Sunday we celebrated the solemnity of Mary’s Assumption, body and soul, into heaven. The...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis Solemnity of the Assumption 2004 August 15, 2004 Rev 11:19,12:1-6,10; 1Cor15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 1) With the whole Church, today we celebrate the great solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Nineteenth Sunday in OT, Year C August 8, 2004 Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 12:32-48 1) Once in St. Luke’s Gospel, Jesus asked aloud the harrowing question, “When the Son of Man comes...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Seventeenth Sunday in OT, Year C July 25, 2004 Gen 18:20-32; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 1) There’s a startling aspect to the request Jesus’ disciple in the Gospel, “Lord, teach us to pray.” On...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Sixteenth Sunday in OT, Year C July 18, 2004 Gen 18:1-10; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 1) To our 21st century American sensibilities, Jesus says something positively shocking in today’s Gospel...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fifteenth Sunday in OT, Year C July 11, 2004 Dt 30:10-14; Col1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37 1) The lawyer in today’s Gospel asks Jesus one of the most important questions a man or woman can: “What...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fourteenth Sunday in OT, C July 4, 2004 Is 66:10-14; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12,17-20 1) Over the past few weeks, there has been a trilogy among the Gospel passages. Two weeks ago we focused on...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Twelfth Sunday in OT, C June 20, 2004 Zech 12:10-11;13:1; Gal3:26-29; Lk9:18-24 1) “Who do the crowds say that I am” and “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus asked these two questions of his...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Corpus Christi, C June 13, 2004 Gen 14:18-20; 1Cor11:23-26; Lk 9:11-17 1) The multiplication of the loaves and fish in today’s Gospel, in addition to feeding a crowd of several thousand...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Trinity Sunday, C, 2004 June 6, 2004 Prov 8:22-31; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 1) Today we celebrate the feast of who God is. Every Sunday is, in a very real sense, dedicated to God and therefore...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Pentecost Sunday 2004 May 30, 2004 Acts 2:1-11; 1Cor12:3-7,12-13; Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:19-23; Jn 14:15-16,23-26 1) 53 days ago, the apostles were all gathered together in the Upper Room. Jesus...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 7th Sunday of Easter, C May 23, 2004 Acts 7:55-60; Rev 22:12-14,16-17,20; Jn 17:20-26 1) In today’s Gospel, taken from Jesus’ prayer during the Last Supper, Jesus pours out his heart to his...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Sixth Sunday of Easter, C, Prep May 16, 2004 Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Rev 21:10-14,22-23; Jn 14:23-29 1) In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks to us about two things he died and rose from the dead to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fifth Sunday of Easter, C May 9, 2004 Acts 14:21-27; Rev 21:1-5; Jn 13:31-35 1) During my five years in Rome as a seminarian and a newly-ordained priest, I had the joy of leading thousands...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fourth Sunday of Easter, C May 2, 2004 Acts 13:14, 43-52; Rev 7:9,14-17; Jn 10:27-30 1) On each of the Sundays of Easter, the Church has us continue our reflection on the magnitude and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Third Sunday of Easter, Year C April 25, 2004 Acts 5:27-32, 40-41; Rev 5:11-14; Jn 21:11-19 1) On the Sundays of Easter, the Church gives us each week in the first reading a passage from the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Divine Mercy Sunday 2004 April 18, 2004 Acts 2:42-47; 1Pet1:3-9; Jn 20:1-9 1) We celebrated last week the most important event in the history of the world, the most crucial event in the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Easter Sunday 2004 April 11, 2004 Acts 10:34, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9 1) On one level, Christians have always had a very easy time making the transition from Lent to Easter. We naturally...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Palm Sunday, Year C April 4, 2004 Lk 19:28-40; Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14-23:56 1) This Palm Sunday Liturgy is framed by two expressions. The first is “Hosanna,” which was shouted at...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C March 28, 2004 Is43:16-21; Philippians 3:8-12; Jn 8:1-11 1) Last week, Jesus preached to us the parable of the Prodigal Son, which stressed the Father’s undying...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A March 21, 2004 1Sam 16:1,6-7,10-13; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 1) In this dramatic scene from today’s Gospel, Jesus does something different than he did in several...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Second Sunday of Lent, Year C March 7, 2004 Gen 15:5-12,17-18; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Lk 9:28-36 1) Every year on the second Sunday of Lent the Church gives us two great gifts in the readings...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Third Sunday of Lent, Year C March 14, 2004 Ex 3:1-8,13-15; 1Cor10:1-6,10-12; Lk 13:1-9 1) Lent is the time for us to realize that we are dust and unto dust we shall return. It is the time...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Ash Wednesday 2004 February 25, 2004 Joel 2:12-18; 2Cor5:20-6:2; Mt6:1-6,16-18 1) Each of you in a few minutes will come up to receive ashes on your forehead and an instruction. That...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C February 22, 2004 1Sam26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23; 1Cor15:45-59; Lk6:27-38 1) Today Jesus continues the very clear and challenging homily he began seven days...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C February 8, 2004 Is 6:1-8; 1Cor15:1-11; Lk 5:1-11 1) At the beginning of the third Christian millennium, the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, wrote a...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C February 1, 2004 Jer1:4-5,17-19; 1Cor12:31-13:13; Lk4:21-30 1) There is a shocking turnaround in today’s Gospel. The people with whom Jesus grew up...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C January 25, 2004 Neh 8:2-4,5-6,8-10; 1Cor12:12-30; Lk1:1-4;4:14-21 1) In the passage we have just heard, St. Luke tells us very clearly why the Holy...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Baptism of the Lord, Year C January 11, 2004 Is 42:1-4,6-7; Acts 10:34-38; Lk3:15-16,21-22 1) Today we mark the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of Ordinary Time in the Church...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Epiphany 2004 January 4, 2004 Is 60:1-6; Eph3:2-3,5-6; Mt2:1-12 1) We have heard the story of the Epiphany — the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles represented by the wise men — so many...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Holy Family, Year C December 28, 2003 Sir 3:2-6,12-14; Col 3:12-21; Lk 2:41-52 1) The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, has been losing his voice trying to get the Church and society to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 4th Sunday of Advent, C December 21, 2003 Mic 5:1-4; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45 1) Each your, on the fourth Sunday of Advent, the Church has us focus on the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Church does...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 3rd Sunday of Advent, C December 14, 2004 Zeph 3:14-18; Philippians 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18 1) “What then should we do?” This was the question that was asked to St. John the baptist in today’s...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 2nd Sunday of Advent, C December 7, 2003 Bar5:1-9; Phil1:4-6,8-11; Lk3:1-6 1) On the second Sunday of Advent each year, the Church leads us on pilgrimage to the Jordan River, so that we...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 1st Sunday of Advent, C November 30, 2003 Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25; 1 Thes3:12-4:2; Lk21:25-28,34-36 1) Today we begin a new liturgial year. Sometimes Christians find this a little strange, that...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Christ the King, Year B November 23, 2003 Dn 7:13-14; Rev1:5-8; Jn 18:33-37 1) Today with the whole Church we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King, which is the end of the Church’s...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Channel 6 (Providence) Sunday Television Mass Bishop Stang Chapel, Dartmouth, MA Christ the King, Year B November 23, 2003 Dn 7:13-14; Rev1:5-8; Jn 18:33-37 1) Today with the whole Church we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 33rd Sunday of OT, Year B November 16, 2003 Dan 12:1-3; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 1) It is very common for the passages from Sacred Scripture that we have at Mass to begin, “at that...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA All Souls’ Day 2003 November 2, 2003 Job 19:1,23-27; Ps 23; 1Cor15:51-57; Jn6:37-40; Wis 3:1-9; Philippians 3:20-21; Jn 11:17-27; 2Macc12:43-46; Rev 14:13; Jn 14:1-6 1) Today, with Catholics...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 30th Sunday of OT, Year B October 26, 2003 Jer 31:7-9; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52 1) “What do you want me to do for you?” Which one of us would not want the Lord to ask us the question he asks...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 29th Sunday of OT, Year B 25th anniversary of the Election of Pope John Paul II October 19, 2003 Is 53:10-11; Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45 1) God created us to be great, not mediocre. He died in...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 28th Sunday of OT, Year B October 12, 2003 Wis 7:7-11; Heb 4:12-13; Mk 10:17-30 1) As a young king of the Lord’s people, Solomon pleased the Lord very much. One night God appeared to Solomon...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 27th Sunday of OT, Year B October 5, 2003 Gen 2:18-24; Heb 2:9-11; Mk10:2-16 1) At the beginning of time, God created the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, the oceans and the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 26th Sunday of OT, Year B September 28, 2003 Numbers 11:25-29; James 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43,45,47-48 1) We encounter in today’s Gospel a big contrast and a big surprise. The contrast is between...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Exaltation of the Cross, Year B September 14, 2003 Num 21:4-9; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 1) Today we celebrate what Pope John Paul II has called THE symbol of Christianity. Most of us would...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 23rd Sunday of OT, Year B September 7, 2003 Is 35:4-7; James 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37 1) In today’s Gospel we glimpse the awe of those who witnessed Jesus’ miracles and works live. Jesus, in the...
Doing the Word, Not Adding or Subtracting From It, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), August 31, 2003
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 22nd Sunday of OT, Year B August 31, 2003 Deut 4:1-2,6-8; James 1:17-18; 21-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 1) Saint James challenges every one of us here in the Church right now in the same...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 21st Sunday of OT, Year B August 24, 2003 Jos 24:1-2,15-18; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6:60-69 1) Today’s readings could not be possibly more dramatic — or more relevant for us. They bring us face-to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 20th Sunday of OT, Year B August 17, 2003 Prov 9:1-6; Eph 5:15-20; John 6:52-59 1) Today we enter into one of the most important and dramatic scenes in the life of Jesus — and, because Jesus...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 19th Sunday of OT, Year B August 10, 2003 2Kings4:42-44; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 1) Today we enter together into the third week of Jesus’ five-week course on the mystery of his body and blood...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 17th Sunday of OT, Year B July 27, 2003 2Kings4:42-44; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 1) We have been focusing all year on the Gospel of St. Mark. If we continued in this progression, we would have...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA 16th Sunday of OT, Year B July 20, 2003 Jer 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 1) The Lord says through the prophet Jeremiah in today’s first reading that the Lord will not allow bad shepherds...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Trinity Sunday, Year B (Fathers’ Day) June 15, 2003 Deut 4:32-34, 39-40; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 1) Today we celebrate the feast of God, who God is. Over the course of human history, most...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Pentecost Sunday, Year B June 8, 2003 Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor 12:3-7,12-13; Jn 20:19-23 1) 53 days ago, the apostles were all gathered together in the Upper Room. Jesus washed their feet and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Sixth Sunday of Easter, B May 25, 2003 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; 1John 4:7-10; John 15:9-17 1) There’s a story told by St. Jerome, a fourth-century doctor of the Church, that when St. John...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Third Sunday of Easter, Year B May 4, 2003 Acts 2:42-47; 1Pet1:3-9; Jn 20:1-9 1) “You are witnesses of these things.” In today’s Gospel, we see how Jesus was putting the final touches in the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Second Sunday of Easter, 2003 April 27, 2003 Acts 2:42-47; 1Pet1:3-9; Jn 20:1-9 1) We celebrated last week the most important event in the history of the world, the most crucial event in the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Church, Fall River, MA Easter Sunday, 2003 April 20, 2003 Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; John 20:1-9 Christ has risen! Alleluia! Christ has truly risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! 1) Today we celebrate the most important...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Church, Fall River, MA Fifth Sunday of Lent, B April 6, 2003 Jer 31:31-34; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 1) In the older, majestic pulpits in Europe, often they would inscribe on the inside pulpit certain phrases from the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish Third Sunday of Lent, B March 23, 2003 Ex 20:1-17; 1Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 1) In today’s Gospel, we encounter a Jesus with whom many of us, especially today, are unfamiliar. The same Jesus whom Isaiah...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Our Lady of Health Parish, Fall River, MA Second Sunday of Lent, B March 16, 2003 Gen 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18; Rom 8:31-34; Mk 9:2-10 1) We encounter two of the most dramatic scenes in Sacred Scripture today, the story of Abraham and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Diocese of Fall River Television Mass Bishop Stang Chapel, N. Dartmouth, MA First Sunday of Lent, B March 9, 2003 Gen 9:8-15; 1Pet3:18-22; Mark 1:12-15 • We have Jesus’ first homily today in the Gospel. Jesus was remarkably brief...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, MA Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C January 18, 2004 Is62:1-5; 1Cor12:4-11; Jn2:1-11 1) Today we are present at the most famous wedding of all time. It wasn’t the wedding of Mark Antony...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Third Sunday of Advent, Year B December 15, 2002 Is 61:1-2,10-11; Lk 1:46-42; 1Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 1) Many of us have spent years on this one question. Most of us have tried to help...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Second Sunday of Advent, Year B December 8, 2002 Is. 40: 1-5, 9-11; Mark 1:1-8 1) Every Advent, the Church sends us four helpers to prepare to make the effort to welcome Christ, to welcome...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA First Sunday of Advent, Year B December 1, 2002 Is 63:16-17,19; 64:2-7; Ps 80; 1Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 1) Today we begin a new liturgical year. Sometimes Christians find this a little...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Solemnity of Christ the King, Year A November 24, 2002 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23; 1Cor 15:20-28; Mt 25:31-46 1) Today with the whole Church we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. This is...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, A November 10, 2002 Wis 6:12-16; 1Thess 4:13-18; Mt 25:13 1) In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses an image that perhaps to us might seem a little strange about the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time October 27, 2002 Exod 22:20-26; Thess1:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 1) In responding to the question of the lawyer in today’s Gospel, Jesus gives us the most important thing...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, A October 13, 2002 Is 25:6-10; Ps 23; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 1) Every time Jesus speaks to us in the Gospel it is meant to change our lives...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, A September 22, 2002 Is 55:6-9; Phil 1:20-27; Mt 20:1-16 1) Sometimes Jesus’ parables really do hit home and show how the kingdom of God is so different...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, A September 15, 2002 Sir 27:30-28:9; Ps 103; Rom 14:7-9; Mt 18:21-35 1) In order to appreciate what Jesus is trying to say to each one of us today about...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, A Ez 33:7-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20 1) “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be in their midst.” So Jesus said to his disciples two...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Night of Recollection for CCD Teachers September 8, 2002 I. Purpose and Mission of CCD A. The purpose of CCD is to cooperate with Jesus in his mission of the salvation of the world. B...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, A September 1, 2002 Jer 20:7-9; Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27 1) In today’s Gospel, Jesus rebukes St. Peter with tremendous force. Immediately before this...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, A August 25, 2002 Is 22:19-23; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20 This Gospel concerns, essentially, two things or, better, two persons: Who Christ is; and who...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Christopher’s Church, Tiverton RI Baptism of Emma Concetta Cincotta August 25, 2002 Ezekiel 36; Mt 28:16-20 What’s happening here today is much more than a nice ceremony. It is and always will be the most important day in...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A August 11, 2002 Kings 19:9-13; Ps 84; Rom 9:1-5; Mt 14:22-33 We learn three lessons from today’s Gospel: a) When we keep our eyes on Jesus, all good...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A August 4, 2002 Is 55:1-3; Ps 144; Rom 8:35-39; Matt 14:13-21 1) Most of us are pretty familiar with the scene from today’s Gospel, the multiplication of...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A July 21, 2002 Wis 12:13,16-19; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 1) In the passages from the Gospel that the Church has given us this summer, we will hear many...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A July 14, 2002 Is 55:10-11; Ps 64; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 1) Today’s Gospel is about our relationship with God, which simply is, whether we admit it or...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Fourteenth Sunday of OT, Year A July 7, 2002 Zech 9:9-10; Rom 8:9-13; Mt 11:25-30 1) In making your decision to come to Mass this afternoon, you probably did not anticipate that you were...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A June 30, 2002 2Kings4:8-11, 14-16; Rom 6:3-4,8-11; Mt 10:37-42 Jesus speaks of the worthy disciple in the Gospel. There’s a difference between a worthy...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Charles Borromeo, San Diego, CA 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A June 23, 2002 Jer 20:10-13; Ps 68; Rom 5:12-15; Mt 10:26-33 1) Fear not! Be not afraid! So Jesus said to the apostles in the Gospel and so he says to each...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Diocese of Fall River Television Mass Bishop Stang High School Chapel, N. Dartmouth, MA June 9, 2002 Hos 6:3-6; Rom 4:18-25; Mt 9:9-13 One of the great joys of my years in seminary in Rome preparing to be a priest was the fact...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Tenth Sunday of OT, Year A Renew Prayer Card Sunday June 9, 2002 Hos 6:3-6; Rom 4:18-25; Mt 9:9-13 1) One of the great joys of my years in seminary in Rome preparing to be a priest was the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Trinity Sunday, Year A May 26, 2002 Ex 34:4-6,8-9; 2Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18 1) Every Sunday is, in a very real sense, dedicated to God and therefore every Sunday is, in a very real sense...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year A May 12, 2002 Acts 1:12-14; 1Pet 4:13-16; Jn 17:1-11 1) After the Ascension, the apostles all gathered around Mary, to pray. Why to pray, and why around her...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 6th Sunday of Easter, A May 5, 2002 Acts 8:5-8,14-17; 1Pet 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-21 Outline for Portuguese homily A. Reason for our hope 1) Peter tells us always to be ready to give the reason...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year A April 28, 2002 Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33; 1Pet2:4-9; John 14:1-12 1) Doubting Thomas is at it again today. Just as he wouldn’t accept his brother apostles’...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A April 21, 2002 Acts 2:14,36-41; Ps 23; 1Pet 2:20-25; Jn 10:1-10 1) Each of the Sundays of Easter continues our reflection on the magnitude and reality of this...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Easter Sunday March 31, 2002 Acts 10:34, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9 1) Today we celebrate with great joy our Christian BELIEF in the most important event in the history of the world, the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Palm Sunday, Year A March 24, 2002 Mt 21:1-11; Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mt 26:14-27:66 1) This Palm Sunday Liturgy is framed by two expressions. The first is “Hosanna,” which was shouted at...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Cecilia Motherhouse, Nashville, TN Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A March 10, 2002 1Sam16:1,6-7,10-13; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 1) In this dramatic scene from today’s Gospel, Jesus does something different than he did in several...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Third Sunday of Lent, Year A March 3, 2002 Ex 17:3-7; Rom 5:1-8; Jn 4:5-42 1) In 1941, underneath St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, a pagan necropolis, an ancient pagan cemetery, was found...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Second Sunday of Lent, Year A February 24, 2002 Gen 12:1-4; 2Tim 1:8-10; Mt 17:1-9 1) Lent is a 40-day uphill pilgrimage with Jesus. Jesus takes us where he wills and where he knows we need...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Fifth Sunday of OT, Year A February 10, 2002 Is 58-7-10; Ps 112; 1Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 1) In today’s readings, Jesus tells us two crucial truths about who we are as his disciples and who we...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A February 3, 2002 Zeph 2:3, 3:12-13; 1Cor1:26-31; Mt 5:1-12 1) The headlines this past week did not focus on the Patriots’ march to the Super Bowl, or on...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Second Sunday of OT, Year A January 20, 2002 Is 49:3-6; 1Cor1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34 1) Today, right at the beginning of the first reading, Isaiah says something that has tremendous importance for...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Feast of the Epiphany, Year A January 6, 2002 Is 60:1-6; Eph3:2-6; Mt2:1-12 1) We have heard the story of the Epiphany — the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles represented by the wise...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 32nd Sunday of OT, Year C November 11, 2001 2Macc7:12-9-14; 2Thes2:61-3:5; Lk20:27-38 1) Jesus focuses on the reality of the resurrection of the body, of heaven, and of how marriage fits into...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 29th Sunday of OT, Year C October 21, 2001 Ex 17:8-13; 2Tim3:14-14:2; Lk 18:1-8 1) Jesus could not have been any more explicit in today’s Gospel about prayer. He said that we need to pray...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Mass for the Woman’s Rosary Sodality 27th Sunday of OT, Year C Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary October 7, 2001 Hb1:2-3;2:2-4; 2 tim1:6-8,13-14; Lk 17:5-10 Homiletic notes and outline for...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 27th Sunday of OT, Year C Respect Life Sunday October 7, 2001 Heb1:2-3;2:2-4; 2 Tim1:6-8,13-14; Lk 17:5-10 1) We were all shocked by the tremendous violence and hatred that the whole world...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 25th Sunday of OT, Year C September 23, 2001 Am 8:4-7; 1Tim2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 1) This Sunday’s Gospel is perhaps the most confusing story in any part of the Gospel. It almost seems as if Jesus...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 23rd Sunday of OT, Year C September 9, 2001 Wis 9:13-18; Phlm 9-10, 12-17; Lk 14:25-33 1) Today’s Gospel is meant to change our lives forever. From the perspective of heaven, if we’re blessed...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 21st Sunday of OT, Year C August 26, 2001 Is 66:18-21; Heb 12:5-7; Lk 13:22-30 1) “How many people will be saved?,” someone asks from the Crowd today. It could have easily been any of us...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 20th Sunday of OT, Year C August 19, 2001 Jer 28:4-6,8-10; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53 1) Last week, we focused on the faith of Abraham, the trust in God that made this old man capable of doing...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 19th Sunday of OT, Year C August 12, 2001 Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2,8-19; Lk 12:32-48 1) Imagine that you were 75 years old and you became convinced that God appeared to you one day and said...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 18th Sunday of OT, Year C August 5, 2001 Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Col 3:1-5,9-11; Lk 12:13-21 1) Almost everything in this world is vanity: Money, fame, property, solely earthly relationships and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 16th Sunday of OT, Year C July 22, 2001 Gn 18:1-10; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 Homiletic notes 1) Today’s Gospel scene is startling, in how Jesus sides with Mary against her sister Martha. Do...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year C May 27, 2001 Acts 7:55-60; Rev 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26 1) In today’s Gospel, taken from St. John’s account of the last Supper, Jesus the Lord pours...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C May 20, 2001 Acts 15:1-2,22-29; Rev 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29 1) In the readings of today’s Mass, the Church begins the period of preparation for the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year C May 6, 2001 Acts 13:14,43-52; Rev 7:9,14-17; Jn 10:27-30 1) Christ says to us very clearly that his sheep hear his voice. He knows them and they follow him. He...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA Second Sunday of Easter, Year C April 22, 2001 Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118; Rev 1:9-11-13,17-19;Jn20:19-31 1) Put yourself in the upper room with the apostles on the night of the resurrection. Two...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 5th Sunday of Lent, Year C April 1, 2001 Is 43:16-21; Phil 3:8-14; Jn 8:1-11 1) Last week we encountered the extraordinary parable of Jesus about the Prodigal Son, about the Father’s love for...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 4th Sunday of Lent, Year C March 25, 2001 Josh 5:9-10;12; 2Cor5:17-21; Lk15:1-3,11-32 Homiletic Notes 1. Ambassador of Christ — Brings a message from the one represented, God appeals through...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year C March 11, 2001 Gen 15:5-12, 17-18; Phil 3:17-4:1; Lk 9:28-36 1) Why does the Church give us this reading of the Transfiguration of the Lord every second Sunday of...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 6th Sunday of OT, Year C February 11, 2001 Jer 17:5-8; 1Cor 15:12,16-20; Lk 6:17,20-26 1) Today’s readings draw an extraordinarily sharp contrast that is highly relevant to us, between two...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 4th Sunday of OT, Year C Catholic Schools Week Mass January 28, 2001 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; 1 Cor 12:31-13:13; Lk 4:21-30 Why did God give us a brain? So that we might learn the truth, and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Diocese of Fall River Television Mass Bishop Stang High School Chapel, N. Dartmouth, MA 22st Sunday in OT, Year B September 3, 2000 Dt 4:1-2,6-8; Jas 1:17-18,21-22,27; Mk 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 St. James in the second reading tells us...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 21st Sunday in OT, Year B August 27, 2000 Joshua 24:1-2,15-18; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6:60-69 1) Today’s readings could not be possibly more dramatic — or more important for us. They bring us face...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 20th Sunday in OT, Year B August 20, 2000 Prov9:1-6; Eph5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58 1) Two-thousand years ago the disciples used to constantly ask Jesus what heaven was like and Jesus would often...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 17th Sunday in OT, Year B July 30, 2000 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 1) In today’s Gospel, there is a marked change from previous weeks. We have been reading from the Gospel of Mark...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 16th Sunday in OT, Year B July 23, 2000 Jer 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 1) Last week, we focused on the fact that each Christian, every one of us, has the vocation to be a missionary, to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River, MA 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B July 16, 2000 Am 7:12-15; Eph 1:3-14; Mt 6:7-13 Outline of Homily I — In today’s readings, we see whom God chooses to proclaim his Word. A. Amos was a...
Fr. Roger J. Landry RSM Casa della Misericordia, Rome Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B May 28, 2000 Acts 10:25-26,34-35,44-48; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17 Saint Jerome tells us that while Saint John was an elderly man in Ephesus, living in a cave with a...
Fr. Roger J. Landry St. Marienhaus, Germany Easter Sunday April 23, 2000 Acts 10:34, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9 On one level, Christians have always had a very easy time making the transition from Lent to Easter. We naturally prefer eating to...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Domus Sanctae Mariae Guadalupensis, Rome Sunday of the Ninth Week, Year B March 5, 2000 Dt 5:12-15; 2Cor4:6-11; Mk2:23-3:6 When Jesus was examined by the lawyer about the greatest of the 613 commandments of the Old Covenant, he...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Pontifical North American College Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B December 19, 1999 2Sm7:1-5,8-11,16; Ps 89; Rom 16:15-27; Lk 1:26-38 As we move within a week of Christmas, the Church presents to us in the Gospel the event of the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry Pontifical North American College Third Sunday of Advent, Year B December 12, 1999 Is 61:1-2,10-11; Lk 1:46-42; 1Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 Many of us have spent years on this one question. Most of us have tried to help...
Fr. Roger J. Landry SS. Peter & Paul Parish, Fall River, MA Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, A September 5, 1999 Ez 33:7-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20 “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be in their midst.” So Jesus...
Fr. Roger J. Landry SS. Peter & Paul Parish, Fall River, MA Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A August 22, 1999 Is 22:19-23; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20 We can break today’s Gospel down into three parts, each of which is very important...
Fr. Roger J. Landry SS. Peter & Paul Parish, Fall River, MA 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A August 1, 1999 Is 55:1-3; Ps 144; Rom 8:35-39; Matt 14:13-21 The event we read about in today’s Gospel, the multiplication of the loaves and...
Fr. Roger J. Landry SS. Peter & Paul Parish, Fall River, MA 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A July 25, 1999 1Kings 3:5-12; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 In this week’s Gospel, Jesus continues to speak to us directly in parables about what the...
Fr. Roger J. Landry SS. Peter & Paul Parish, Fall River, MA 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A July 18, 1999 Wis 12:13,16-19; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 In the passages from the Gospel that the Church has given us this summer, we will hear many...
Fr. Roger J. Landry SS. Peter & Paul Parish, Fall River, MA 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A July 11, 1999 Is 55:10-11; Ps 64; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 Today the Church invites each of us to take a soil sample of our soul. In the Gospel...
Rev. Mr. Roger J. Landry Vatican Radio Mass Rome 6th Sunday of Easter, Year A May 9, 1999 Acts 8:5-8,14-17; 1 Pt 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-21 Beginning with this Sunday’s readings, our focus starts to change from a concentration on Jesus, our Risen Savior...
Rev. Mr. Roger J. Landry Vatican Radio Mass 5th Sunday of Easter, Year A May 2, 1999 Acts 6:1-7; 1 Pt 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12 Today in St. Peter’s Square, Pope John Paul is going to beatify the famous Italian Capuchin friar known throughout the world as...
Rev. Mr. Roger J. Landry Pontifical North American College NAC Holy Hour Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A March 14, 1999 Jn1:1-5;9-14 John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with...
Rev. Mr. Roger J. Landry Pontifical North American College Holy Hour 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A February 7, 1999 Mt 5:13-16 Matt. 5:13 Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has gone flat, how can its...