Audio Homily Becoming a House of Prayer by Consuming God’s Word, 33rd Friday (II), November 22, 2024 4 months ago
2001-2002Year A Christ Our King, Shepherd and Judge, Solemnity of Christ the King (A), November 24, 2002 November 24, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Vigilantly Waiting for Jesus, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), November 10, 2002 November 10, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Year of the Rosary, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), October 27, 2002 October 27, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Showing Up With Our Wedding Garment, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), October 13, 2002 October 13, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Called at 5 pm to Work!, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), September 22, 2002 September 22, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A God’s Forgiveness and Ours, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), September 15, 2002 September 15, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Fraternal Correction in Love, 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), September 8, 2002 September 8, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Judging By God’s Standards, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), September 1, 2002 September 1, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Who Christ Is and Who Peter Is, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), August 25, 2002 August 25, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear AYear II Our Stella Maris, Solemnity of the Assumption, August 15, 2002 August 15, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Lessons from Jesus’ — and Peter’s — Walking on Water, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), August 11, 2002 August 11, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A You Give Them Something to Eat, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), August 4, 2002 August 4, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Yeast, Mustard and Patience, 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 21, 2002 July 21, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Good Seed and Good Soil, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 14, 2002 July 14, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Learning from Jesus about the Cross’ Sweet Burden, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 7, 2002 July 7, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Worthy Disciple, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Call of Matthew: Christ Points to You!,10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), June 9, 2002 June 9, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Call of Matthew, A Call to Renewal, 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), June 9, 2002 June 9, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Living in the Love of the Blessed Trinity, Trinity Sunday (A), May 26, 2002 May 26, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The End, the Beginning, and the End of the New Beginning, Ascension Thursday (A), May 9, 2002 May 9, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A God, The Reason for our Hope, 6th Sunday of Easter (A), May 5, 2002 May 5, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Way, the Truth and the Life, Fifth Sunday of Easter (A), April 28, 2002 April 28, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Good Shepherd, Celibacy and Vocations, 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), April 21, 2002 April 21, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Case for the Resurrection & Its Consequences, Easter Sunday, March 31, 2002 March 31, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Learning from the Illuminated Man, Fourth Sunday of Lent (A), March 10, 2002 March 10, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A Christ’s Thirst & Our Thirst, Third Sunday of Lent (A), March 3, 2002 March 3, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Hills of Lent, Second Sunday of Lent (A), February 24, 2002 February 24, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Light of the World & Salt of the Earth, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), February 10, 2002 February 10, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Fully Catholic Response to the Scandals, 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), February 3, 2002 February 3, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Vocation to Witness to Life, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), January 20, 2002 January 20, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Star, Herod and Our Epiphany Gift, Baptism of the Lord (A), January 6, 2002 January 6, 2002
2001-2002HomilyYear A The Holy Family & Your Family, Feast of the Holy Family (A), December 30, 2001 December 30, 2001
2001-2002HomilyYear A God is With Us to Save Us, 4th Sunday of Advent (A), December 23, 2001 December 23, 2001
2001-2002HomilyYear A Precursors of the Lord, 2nd Sunday of Advent (A), December 9, 2001 December 9, 2001